Food Stamp Challenge Day Two


me: coffee w/ cream, oatmeal, banana, yogurt

Coffee for home and abroad

breakfast and lunch together

middle son: yogurt and peanut butter

high protein breakfast

daughter had yogurt and spoonful of peanut butter, but ate it while I was in the shower, so no photo.

youngest son: sugary breakfast cereal

rainbow rice cereal

lunch for me: in photo above-tossed salad, small container of dressing and leftover Shepard’s Pie

lunch for middle son: PB & J, yogurt, carrot sticks, Snickerdoodles

and he gave the cookies away to a kid who forgot to bring lunch

the other two had school lunches.

Dinner: vegetarian tacos

The “meat” is made with 1 cup lentils, (I still prefer the red/pink ones as they are sweeter and cook faster, but the store was out) 2 cups water and 1 package taco seasoning. Boil on medium heat for 25 minutes or until water is absorbed stirring frequently.

lentil ingredients

serve with tortillas, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce and chopped tomatoes.

Dinner is served!

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